Friday, February 11, 2011

A day at the beach

Wednesday we took the kiddos to the KK Beach Resort. Our friend Lawrence went with us since we were sure to be the only white folks there. We took a public taxi, which is a van that stops every minute to pick up more people. When it dropped us off we had to walk through a very poor area to get to this “resort”. Man, you talk about people staring! Nothing like a white girl carrying a black baby to turn a few heads.
The beach was on Lake Victoria and was pretty nice. No Myrtle Beach or nothing, but nice all the same. We were told that we shouldn’t swim in it so we didn’t bother wearing swimsuits. As soon as we got there Moses wanted to dive in. I told him that it wasn’t a good idea. Junior, another friend, had his suit and said his mom said he can swim, so what could I do but let my kid swim too. As soon as I told Moses he could swim he stripped down to his underwear as was in the water. Picture this: every Ugandan there had swimsuits on…yet the Americans bring their kid and let him swim in his underwear. Go figure! Oh well he loved it!
The resort had a playground and was a lot of fun. I do wish I had opted for the tetanus shot seeing that it was the old school metal kind. I even got some sun finally!

I enjoyed the water from the parasites for me thank you!

You will notice in this pic is a very large, freakish looking dino bird. They are everywhere here!!! I swear they belong in a zoo and sometimes I think they are out to kill me. But the random naked baby didn’t mind him at all! I thought it was just so funny 


  1. I look forward to every single blog you write!! They are so full of love and fun! I have laughed out loud so many times my family now knows all your adventures! The 'resort' may have not been Myrtle Beach, but Myrtle Beach sure is missing you guys! Much love and prayers!

  2. Love it Heather! You made me smile :)

  3. I would have stayed on the beach too... I loved this post!!

  4. That stork must have just delivered the baby to the beach. I love it all Heather. I miss you. I wore my beads from Uganda today and said a prayer for you every time I touched them. Hurry home.
